Yorkshire Pigs Pros And Cons – Complete Owners Guide

Originating from the United Kingdom, Yorkshire pigs are well known for producing excellent quality bacon and lean meats with high market demand.

Typically white in colour with muscular builds and erect ears, they are the most recorded pig breed in the US as well as Canada and have a reputation for being active and making excellent farm animals.

In addition to this, they produce large litters and Yorkshire sows are renowned for their excellent mothering skills.

Due to their large size, they aren’t suited for small farms, but their positive qualities make them a natural choice among the majority of farmers. In this article, we will delve into the history and personality traits of this iconic pig breed.

Named After Their Region

Named after their region of origin, Yorkshire pigs were developed in England in the county of York and became known as ‘English Large Whites’ but are predominantly referred to as Yorkshire throughout the rest of the world.

These hogs first appeared in 1761 when Robert Blakewell became interested in the local Leicestershire pig breed and moulded them into larger, practical pigs that became popular in England.

Today, they are found in almost every state of the US; with the highest populations recorded being in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Nebraska, and Ohio. They are also prevalent in Canada.

Physical Characteristics

Yorkshire pigs are generally white in colour with long bodies, straight backs, and upright ears. Mature boars tend to weigh between 250kgs and 340kgs while a Yorkshire sow can reach between 204kg and 294kg.

With their curly tails, slightly indented faces, and erect ears, this breed of swine has an almost whimsical look and while bigger than the average hog, they certainly fit the typical image of ‘cute, light pink animals’ associated with pigs.

As mentioned, these pigs are active and need enough room to run around and receive adequate exercise. Due to their large size, they are not suitable for domestic pigs and can be more susceptible to common pig illnesses including bronchial issues, pneumonia, and parasite infections.

Yorkshire pigs can have a lifespan of 6 to 10 years and come in three different sizes; large, middle, and small, with only the large size gaining prominence in the US.

While they aren’t as tranquil as other hogs, you can expect relatively docile creatures from this breed.

What Are They Used For?

With its muscular build, the Yorkshire pig has a high proportion of low back fat which is used in the production of bacon and lean meats as well as other popular meat cuts including pork chops and ribs and reaches high market prices.

Their active lifestyles lead to less excess fat and, as a result, less wastage once slaughtered making them a very practical breed to farm, as well as, breed with, and their produce reaches high market prices.


Yorkshire Pigs Overview Table

Size Boars: 250kgs – 340kgs

Sow: 204kg – 294kg

Personality Not quite as friendly as other hogs, but fairly docile overall with an active personality.
Temperament Easy going in nature, generally well mannered and not aggressive with strong maternal instincts, but highly sensitive to mismanagement.
Tendency To Bite While not aggressive, Yorkshire pigs can be playful animals who are skilled at creating a mess and have the potential to be destructive.
Dangerous? These pigs are not considered dangerous to humans but as with all big mammals, they can become unpleasant when mismanaged or if they haven’t been socialized.
Tendency To Root As with most pigs, Yorkshires have a tendency to root. In consonance with 4-H Animal Science, this behavior can stem from a variety of needs including adolescent exploration,  communication, relaxation, and habitation.
Maintenance 6/10

Yorkshire pigs are generally quite easygoing, they don’t require constant attention but need to be well maintained and managed, as their productivity is affected when they aren’t.

Family Pet 1/5

These hogs tend to be very docile and easy-going, but due to their large size and active, playful personalities they aren’t suited for households and will not make good family pets.


Intelligence As with all swine breeds, Yorkshire pigs are highly intelligent animals with the capacity to grieve and form social bonds. However, they aren’t difficult to train and can be easily manipulated.
Exercise Needs Yorkshire hogs are active animals and won’t do well in confined spaces, they need plenty of room to run around.
Health Issues As a result of their large size, these pigs can be more susceptible to common pig illnesses including bronchial issues, pneumonia, and parasite infection.
Life Expectancy 6 to 10 years.

Although, due to their being used for meat production, most Yorkshire pigs generally don’t live longer than 2 years.

Price According to Livestock Market, Yorkshire breeding materials sell for around $75 to $200, but the price for livestock will vary depending on the breeding history and where you buy it from. These are considered exotic pigs who tend to be fairly expensive and have sold for record prices of over $200,000; with Class 1 boars selling for an average price of $3000.




Long Lifespan

The robust and sturdy skin of Yorkshire pigs allows them to withstand harsh climates and, following what we’ve stated earlier in the article, these pigs can have a lifespan of up to 10 years which makes them one of the most practical pigs for both farming and breeding.

Excellent Mothering Abilities

Yorkshire sows are renowned for their extraordinary mothering abilities and can produce litters of up to 15 piglets, which is much higher than average. In addition to this, these sows have excellent milk production so there won’t be any issues with milk production or weaning.

Highly Intelligent

Swine are generally considered to be among the most intelligent animals on earth and Yorkshire pigs are no exception. According to the Modern Farmer, pigs have the ability to distinguish other pigs as well as humans, recall positive and negative experiences and learn from their fellow hogs among other things.

Fortunately, this doesn’t make Yorkshire pigs intractable and they are easily tamed.

Docile & Relatively Low Maintenance

These hogs tend to be quite adaptable and laid back with dutiful personalities who like to relax by gallivanting in mud. With their adaptable as well as lively personalities, their main needs are having enough room to exercise and access to shade; making them easily manageable, excellent value for money overall, and a natural choice for most farmers.

Large Size

As a result of their large size, Yorkshire pigs are sound as well as durable, possess a fast growth rate, and deliver a variety of options for potential meat cuts. Additionally, Yorkshires have the ability to pass on these traits to their brood and would be a good option to consider if you’re interested in crossbreeding.

Good Quality Meat With High Market Value

As we’ve mentioned previously, Yorkshire meat cuts are known for being high quality and a favourite of pork producers, with bacon and pork chops being especially popular. Due to their active lifestyles, they are also less prone to wastage once they’ve been slaughtered and fetch high market prices as a result.

Unfussy Eaters

Pigs have a reputation for being excellent foragers who can provide themselves with meals from their environment, and Yorkshire pigs live up to this standing. They require a lot of food but fortunately, this can consist of kitchen scraps and speciality pig foods rich in vitamins and nutrients; making them very cost-effective.

Clean Animals

Despite their reputation, swine are not filthy animals. They like to keep their toilets far away from their feeding and sleeping areas if given the choice, with even piglets refusing to defecate in the aforementioned spaces. In addition to this, pigs don’t have sweat glands and hardly perspire as a result.

Easily Trainable And Friendly

Their easy-going demeanour, as well as adaptable personalities of Yorkshire pigs, make them easy to train. They are highly intelligent animals with malleable minds who are attentive, enjoy learning new things and get along well with other animals, pigs, as well as humans.

They are generally very well behaved and make excellent livestock as a result of this.



Can Be Expensive

With their big bodies and large appetites, bringing up pigs can be expensive and Yorkshire hogs, in particular, are known for fetching high market prices.

According to National Hog Farmer and National Swine Registry data, Class 1 Yorkshire boars have sold for world record prices, reaching up to $270,000, with the next highest-selling Class 1 boars costing an average of $3000.

Consequently, they won’t be a suitable breed for hobby or small-scale farmers.

Will Root And Dig

Rooting and digging are natural behaviours for swine and the Yorkshire pig is no exception. While the reasons for this are varied, it usually boils down to one of the following; communication, relaxation, nutrition, or habitation.

This habit, in combination with their playful personalities, can lead to lots of messes and potentially destructive behaviour from our four-legged friends.

Needs Enough Space

As a consequence of their large size, Yorkshire pigs consume a lot of space and require sufficient room to run around and satisfy their active personalities. With their laidback demeanours, these hogs can also tolerate confined spaces but balance will be key, as an active pig is a healthier and more manageable pig overall.

Emotionally Sensitive

Yorkshire pigs are sensitive animals who tend to be easily stressed.

This can be triggered by mismanagement and even an improper diet; which can lead to disobedient, potentially destructive behaviour and declining productivity.

While they don’t require constant attention, the maintenance and management of these pigs will need to be carefully considered if you want to produce practical Yorkshires.

Unsuitable As Pets

This breed thrives on large properties and commercial farms with enough space to satisfy their needs.

While they generally get along well with other animals, pigs and humans; due to their large size and active personalities, Yorkshire pigs are not suited for small spaces and cannot function as domestic pets.


Tips For Raising a Yorkshire Pig:

If you decide to raise Yorkshire pigs, make sure to give them plenty of access to shade as they tend to get sunburnt in summer due to their fur not being as densely covered when compared to other pig breeds.

They will also benefit from having enough room to wallow in mud, as this can alleviate their sunburns.

In addition to this, good fencing will be key. While this is relevant to all swine breeds, it is especially important for Yorkshire pigs due to their curious and sprightly personalities.


Interesting Facts About Yorkshire Pigs:

Yorkshire pigs generally take longer to reach full market weights when compared to other pig breeds and, as a result of this, their popularity was restrained until the end of the 1940s.

These pigs were cultivated with the goal of having durable mother lines which can contribute to longevity as well as carcass merit, and are known by the motto “The Mother Breed And A Whole Lot More.”

This video is a good introduction to pig farming with a focus on Yorkshires.



While it took a while for them to gain prominence, Yorkshire pigs are now a common sight on farms throughout the US as well as Canada and a staple of the pork market.

If you’re looking for pigs with a long lifespan and high meat production potential, then you should consider Yorkshires.

Remember, there is no single breed of pig that will be perfect for everyone. Do your research and see if Yorkshires will make a good livestock addition to your farm.

We hope that this article has given you a better idea of what to expect from this pig breed and piqued your interest in pig farming. Start small if you want, you can do anything if you put your mind to it.