Small Animals
This Is The Page Where Discuss Everything About Small Animals As Well As Plenty Of Information For Their Owners.

Juliana Pigs Pros And Cons - Complete Owners Guide
Juliana Pigs Pros And Cons - Complete Owners Guide
Affectionately known as “the miniature painted pig” due to its colourfully spotted appearance, Juliana pigs are one of the smallest and most popular breeds of “miniature” as well…

Pietrain Pigs Pros And Cons – Complete Owners Guide
Pietrain Pigs Pros And Cons – Complete Owners Guide
The Pietrain pig shares its name with the little Belgian town from whence it came.
These medium-sized swine are characterized by their black and white spots, short legs, upright ears…

Yorkshire Pigs Pros And Cons – Complete Owners Guide
Yorkshire Pigs Pros And Cons – Complete Owners Guide
Originating from the United Kingdom, Yorkshire pigs are well known for producing excellent quality bacon and lean meats with high market demand.
Typically white in colour with muscular…

Pros and Cons of Berkshire Pigs as Pets-Characteristics Facts and Guide
Pros and Cons of Berkshire Pigs as Pets-Characteristics Facts and Guide
The Berkshire pig is a breed of rare pig, and it's well known for its quality meat production. But if you want one for a pet, they form bonds with their owner.

Poland China Pigs Pros And Cons - Everything You Need To Know
Poland China Pigs Pros And Cons - Everything You Need To Know
Since as early as 1816 (reports on the exact date vary) Polish pigs and Big Chinas have been interbred to produce one of the largest and most popular pigs in the Americas.

Duroc Pigs Pros And Cons
Duroc Pigs Pros And Cons
From a domestic colonial giant at the start of the century to a modern-day medium-sized muscle machine, the Duroc pig breed (or Jersey Duroc as it was formerly known) has been an industrial icon for more than a century…

Do Garter Snakes Bite And Are They Dangerous
Do Garter Snakes Bite And Are They Dangerous
If you have run into a Garter Snake around your house or on your travels in nature, you shouldn’t be too surprised as these animals are commonly found in gardens, forests, Farm yards and wet…

CBD For Ferrets - Is It Safe And Effective
CBD For Ferrets - Is It Safe And Effective
Ferrets make great pets, their joyous attitude and endless energy is infectious to their owners and those around them.
Like all other pets and humans, they are subject to various pains and conditions…

CBD For Pet Rats - Is It Safe And Effective - Must Read Guide
CBD For Pet Rats - Is It Safe And Effective - Must Read Guide
Despite the bad rep that they get, rats can make some excellent pets when socialized from birth. They are intelligent, clean, affectionate and they love their owners.
Rats have…

Do African Grey’s Make Good Pets – Owners Care Guide & Facts
Do African Grey’s Make Good Pets – Owners Care Guide & Facts
The African Grey parrot is an extremely intelligent bird and can imitate speech. If you buy an African Grey, you need to realize they make excellent pets, but your parrot…

Do Rats Make Good Pets - Ultimate Care Guide And Facts
Do Rats Make Good Pets - Ultimate Care Guide And Facts
Rats often get a bad rap and many people will not like to sound of having one anywhere near their house.
That can be with good reason as they can carry diseases that affect humans and…

Russian Tortoise Facts - Must Read Guide For Prospective Owners
Russian Tortoise Facts - Must Read Guide For Prospective Owners
Russian tortoises, as the name suggests are popular animals in Russia and the surrounding areas.
These animals are smaller than many of the larger tortoises and are often imported…

Do Hedgehogs Make Good Pets - Ultimate Owners Care Guide
Hedgehogs can be put in the same category as other small mammals that are a viable option for a pet. If you want a unique animal for a pet, a hedgehog is a perfect choice.
Intro to Hedgehogs
Hedgehogs aren't classified as rodents, and…

Do Rabbits Make Good Pets - Ultimate Owners Guide
Do Rabbits Make Good Pets - Ultimate Owners Guide
I remember my day's growing up with a pet rabbit named Twinkie running around the house and being a reliable companion during my childhood.
Cute and fluffy, cuddly and calm, these charming…

Do Ferrets Make Good Pets - The Ultimate Owners Guide
Do Ferrets Make Good Pets - The Ultimate Owners Guide
There are up to 5 million ferrets kept as pets in American households today, making them the number 3 pet in the United States. These mischievous, playful, larger than life little creatures…

CBD For Birds – Dosage, Benefits And Side Effects
CBD For Birds – Dosage, Benefits And Side Effects
Birds are curious little creatures. Whether they’re chirping away at the sunshine or pecking at your fingers for a treat, they’re full of personality.
Having a pet bird means you’re…