Entries by Linda Rice


Do Axolotls Need A Heater – Must Read Owners Guide

Do Axolotls Need A Heater – Must Read Owners Guide Axolotls are incredibly interesting creatures that are found in the wild in Mexico. Their faces remain in the juvenile form making them ‘neotenic’ and their distinctive smile and peculiar looks make them a desirable pet all across the United States. Axolotls are an endangered species […]


How Often Do Axolotls Eat And Whats The Best Food

How Often Do Axolotls Eat And Whats The Best Food Axolotls are amazing amphibious salamander type creatures that are found in freshwater lakes and ponds in Mexico and they are best characterized by happy, young looking, smiling faces which makes them very attractive to keep as pets. They don’t grow past juvenile stage in terms […]

Do Rabbits Make Good Pets – Ultimate Owners Guide

Do Rabbits Make Good Pets – Ultimate Owners Guide I remember my day’s growing up with a pet rabbit named Twinkie running around the house and being a reliable companion during my childhood. Cute and fluffy, cuddly and calm, these charming pets are quickly becoming accepted as great animals to keep as pets. Rabbits are […]